The Alternative To Retinol

One of the most well-known ingredients in anti-aging? Retinol! This powerful vitamin A derivative is well known for its benefits. 

However, if you’ve used retinol, you know how harsh the ingredient can be on the skin, and how it must be introduced slowly in your skincare routine to avoid any adverse reactions. For those with sensitive skin {or those who may be breastfeeding or pregnant}, retinol is too harsh, even when introduced slowly in smaller doses. 

The good news? There are alternatives that can work wonders when it comes to acne and anti-aging, even for those of us with sensitive skin.

What Is Retinol?

First - let me walk you through retinol. Retinol is a retinoid, a group of vitamin A derivatives that often serve as ingredients in skincare due to their powerful benefits. Retinol is often added to skincare ingredients in very small concentrations, with most beginner retinol users starting out with 0.25% retinol and working up to 1% retinol. 

Since retinol can be harsh on the skin, it’s typically recommended to be used in conjunction with moisturizer - AND to always, always wear SPF when using retinol. Retinol use can make the skin more vulnerable to the sun’s harmful rays. 

Benefits of Retinol

Retinol is known to provide a wide range of skincare benefits, with many of us turning to retinol as one of the first options when it comes to anti-aging. Retinol increases the thickness and elasticity of the skin, which in turn slows the noticeable effects of aging. 

Retinol also can be a solution to hyperpigmentation and acne, as it slows the production of melanin which causes dark spots and discoloration, and works as a chemical exfoliant to prevent clogged pores. A win, win!

What Is Bakuchiol?

Enter: the retinol alternative. Bakuchiol is a skincare ingredient derived from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, which is native to Sri Lanka and India. 

Bakuchiol is a natural ingredient, that is known to cause less irritation than retinol and provides a solution for those of us who are opting for more natural skincare products. 

Benefits of Bakuchiol

Bakuchiol offers many of the same benefits as retinol, from anti-aging to reducing blemishes. 

Bakuchiol works to speed up cell regeneration, which will increase collagen production and cell turnover, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. Bakuchiol is a natural antioxidant, which will work to combat free radicals in the skin, reducing the effect of these free radicals and alleviating the impact on the skin. This can help reduce blemishes and heal inflamed skin. 

Should we compare the two?

Bakuchiol vs Retinol 

Bakuchiol and retinol are both known to have amazing effects on the skin, including anti-aging and reducing discoloration and hyperpigmentation. 

Retinol is a vitamin A derivative and, for some, reacts harshly with the skin due to the strength of the chemical. Retinol can not be used by sensitive groups, such as pregnant women or individuals with extremely sensitive skin. 

Bakuchiol is a natural ingredient, derived from seeds of a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. It has many of the same benefits as retinol, but due to the gentler compound, it may help avoid some of the irritation experienced with retinol. Bakuchiol can provide calming and stabilizing properties to the skin while activating similar receptors to the ones retinol activates, which delivers similar benefits without some of the negative side effects. 

Recommendations for Retinol Alternatives 

Don’t get me wrong, some people CAN use retinol in their regular skincare routine for years without experiencing any harsh reactions. However, for those with sensitive skin who may be looking for a more natural alternative, I’ve got you covered!

Restoring Face Oil with Bakuchiol 

I recommend the Whish Beauty Restoring Face Oil formulated with Bakuchiol. This natural product {made with vitamin E, olive oil, and rosehip oil} will leave your face feeling restored and moisturized, while also providing *all* the potent benefits of Bakuchiol mentioned above. 

For my loyal retinol users - don’t knock it till you try it! I retail this Bakuchiol restoring face oil at Gameela Skin and I promise you will love this as an alternative product. 

Product Alternative To Retinol

Vitamin C 

If you reach for your retinol to promote even skin tone & wrinkle reduction, look no further than vitamin C for another great alternative. Vitamin C is known to reduce the look of discoloration and reduce the effect of environmental toxins that can dull your skin, thanks to the free-radical-fighting properties of the vitamin. 

My recommendation? Rhonda Allison’s C-Peptide Complex

alternative to retinol

Hyaluronic Acid 

Last but not least - Hyaluronic acid! This powerful skincare ingredient is found in a healthy number of skincare products {even lip products tend to be formulated with hyaluronic acid}. 

Hyaluronic acid is famous for being able to hold 1000 times its weight in water {hello, hydration}, allowing it to immediately hydrate the skin and leave it with a plump and refreshed look. Plump skin will make wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable, providing a noticeably younger look to the skin. The ultimate goal! 

Nancy Ham