Benefits of Getting a Monthly Facial

If you’ve been to Gameela Skin {or know me at all}, you know that I am a huge advocate for facials. Facials provide a supercharged treatment to combat all of your greatest skin concerns in a one-hour {custom} treatment. Not to mention they offer a peaceful environment for you to take a moment of selfcare and relaxation! I’m breaking down the crazy benefits of regular facials today, to help you determine if a monthly facial might be right for you.

What Are The Benefits of Getting a Facial?

Whether you are a facial fanatic or are considering booking a first-time treatment, there are countless benefits worth noting when it comes to facials.

Combat Skin Concerns

At Gameela Skin, we offer customized facials to help tackle whatever your skin concerns may be. We use a variety of skincare products, massaging techniques, and equipment throughout your treatment to help you leave fresh-faced and glowing from within. Some of the skincare concerns we can work to combat during a facial include:

skin Discoloration

One of the most common skin concerns I hear about is discoloration: dark spots and hyperpigmentation. A regular facial, with the right products, can help even out your complexion, reducing the appearance of dark spots and packing your skin full of much-needed nutrients and hydration. The rejuvenation and exfoliation provided to your skin during a facial will increase cell turnover, bringing new life to your skin. Remember: the phrase “regular” facial is important to keep in mind. While results are not immediate, the monthly dedication will help you achieve your goals!

Acne & Irritation

Many people struggle with acne! While a facial won’t cure your acne in a single session, the consistent monthly treatments can help minimize the appearance of acne and soothe the skin, reducing breakouts over time. Acne is typically caused by clogged pores, stress, diet, etc. Facials typically come with steam, extractions, & a careful selection of products - all of which provide a deep cleanse for the pores {more so than washing your face at home}. When done month over month, you’ll start to really see these benefits in your complexion.


Reducing the appearance of acne and irritation is one thing, but minimizing the appearance of stubborn acne scars can be something else entirely. Luckily, a facial can help you tackle both of these concerns. The deep skin exfoliation that you will receive during a facial {or a dermaplane, if you go that route} will help increase cell turnover, removing old skin cells and reducing the appearance of scars. The skin texture will appear smoother, and your skin will be more receptive to absorbing other beneficial skincare products post-exfoliation! Ask for my at-home skincare recommendations to combat scarring!


It’s impossible to completely avoid the signs of aging {& if you’ve figured out the secret - let me know}, but there are some skincare practices we can implement to slow down the process. Facials stimulate collagen growth in the skin, which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Regular facials will improve your collagen over time, providing noticeable anti-aging effects to your face.

Increase Self Care

Life can get pretty busy in between all the different responsibilities you may be juggling every day. In between all that you have going on, you cannot forget the importance of YOU time. A facial is a one-hour break where you can focus solely on, well… nothing! This is good not only for your mental health but for your skin! Intentional time dedicated to rest helps promote more vibrant, healthier skin. Plus, a moment to yourself will help you glow from within. 

Maintain a healthy Skin Complexion

Regular facials will give your skin a much-needed boost. The exfoliation will reach deep within your skin to increase cell turnover, while facial massage techniques will boost your collagen growth - giving your skin an opportunity to bring new cells to the surface. This will leave your complexion looking fresh after each facial. Facial treatments also give your skin an opportunity to be steeped in top-of-the-line skincare products {hello, Rhonda Allison}!

Promote Relaxation

A one-hour facial provides you with time to rest and relax your mind and body, but it also provides you with an opportunity to reduce your stress and anxiety. There are hundreds of different pressure points in your face, all of which can be massaged during a facial - helping to alleviate any stress and anxiety you might be feeling. You’ll leave feeling rejuvenated and relaxed, ready to tackle whatever is next on your schedule!

What To Expect From a Facial?

A great facial treatment will be customized to meet the needs of your skin so each experience will vary from person to person. In general you can expect to begin your treatment with a consultation to discuss your skin concerns. I {hi, it’s me Nancy} will work with you to determine your needs and recommend products that will best serve you. 

Second, I’ll cleanse the skin to create a clean canvas. Following a cleanse, I’ll exfoliate the skin to help shed any dead skin cells, which will allow our products to be fully absorbed into your skin for *maximum* effect. 

Steam and extractions will be next, one of the most satisfying parts of the facial. Steaming the face helps open the pores. It feels great and makes it easier for blackheads and whiteheads to be removed. Using sterile tools, I’ll extract blackheads and whiteheads from the pores. Following extractions, a face mask will typically be applied to the face. The mask will be customized using the best products to combat your skin concerns. 

All of the facial treatments at Gameela Skin will end with a facial massage and moisturizing products. All products will be massaged into the face, providing lymphatic drainage benefits that will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated!

facial benefits
benefits of a monthly facial

Book a Facial with Gameela Skin in Scottsdale, AZ

Ready to experience the magic of a facial? Gameela Skin is here for you! My customized treatments will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed. Book an appointment at the link below.

Nancy Ham