Clear Skin Tips from our Esthetician

One of the many benefits of booking an appointment with our esthetician at Gameela Skin, is that you’re booking a service with a skincare pro who has over 15 years of experience and knowledge. We’ve learned a lot of skincare tips and tricks over the years, so we thought we’d share a few of our favorites with you!

How to Cleanse your Skin

Cleansing your face might seem like a basic skill - but to us it is truly an art form. 

Before anything, it’s important to wash your hands prior to touching your face so you don’t transfer any germs to your skin. 

We recommend applying one to two pumps of your favorite cleanser to your face, neck, and chest in an outwards motion. After you’ve applied the cleanser to all areas of the skin, you can add water to lather it up. 

We recommend cleansing with the Foreo face cleanser to assist in lifting away dead skin cells and unclog pores for firmer, cleaner results. When you feel like you’ve cleansed thoroughly, rinse with water, and you’re done! For recommendations on a cleanser for your skin type, please contact our esthetician

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How to Apply Skincare Products

We spend a lot of time worrying about applying all the right products to our face (as we should) but oftentimes we can neglect our neck, chest, and the back of our hands. These areas are often where we see the first signs of aging due to sun exposure.

In addition to your face, it’s important to make sure these areas are a priority when applying everything from SPF, to moisturizer, serums, and more. Your neck, chest, hands, and even your arms will see the same benefits from these products as your face does.  

Avoid Breakouts by Sleeping on a Silk Pillowcase

Okay so this might seem overkill (and it might throw off your bedroom throw pillow game), but we promise your skin will benefit from sleeping with a silk pillowcase.

  1. Sleeping on a soft and silky pillowcase gives you a smooth surface (which minimizes friction) while you sleep. This means overall less tugging on your skin - YAY!

  2. Silk is a natural fiber that does not clog pores, nor will it absorb moisture or products. This will help minimize breakouts. 

  3. Silk helps your skin maintain its natural moisture which in turn helps reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and signs of aging. 

Please remember (whether you use a silk or cotton pillowcase) to wash your pillowcase regularly to avoid bacteria buildup. Need a recommendation for a new silk pillowcase? We recommend trying out the enVy SILK Pillowcase.

How to Heal Breakouts

First and foremost - stop picking at your face. We all breakout and have to fight the urge to poke and prod at our skin, but picking can be detrimental. It can push bacteria BACK into the skin making the healing process even longer, plus it can also lead to long term scarring. If clogged pores is a concern, we recommend booking a facial with your esthetician - we can extract clogged pores and help you properly fight pesky breakouts. 

We also recommend using a high quality spot treatment that contains a salicylic serum (we love our Blemish Serum by Rhonda Allison). Applying the spot treatment will help kill and clear out the acne causing bacteria that’s hiding under the surface of the skin. 


Last but not least - using ice or a cold roller. Applying a cold roller to your skin will help lower inflammation and reduce irritation (plus it helps reduce puffiness). We recommend keeping your cold roller in the fridge or the freezer so it’s ready to go at all times! 

Don’t have a cold roller? Shop our selection online!

Should You Exfoliate?

The answer is always yes! We recommend exfoliating your skin 2-3 times per week. Exfoliating comes with a long line of benefits: 

  • Since exfoliating helps rid your skin of dead cells, your skin care products will penetrate into your skin much better and will be that much more effective. 

  • Exfoliation increases blood circulation, which in turn helps achieve healthier and glowing skin. 

  • Weekly exfoliation will remove dull and dry skin and help improve your overall skin texture. (That’s what we all want, right?!)

If you don’t already have a go-to exfoliation product incorporated in your skincare regime, we recommend trying the Mandelic Perfecting Polish by Rhonda Allison.

If you are already exfoliating 2-3 times per week and you notice that your skin is still dry - you could be exfoliating too much. We recommend cutting back on the exfoliation to once per week. If you do not see a difference in your skin after making this change, please contact our esthetician!

We hope this helped give you some new skincare tips and tricks for you to try at home! As always, we are here to help. Have more questions for our esthetician or interested in booking a service? Book an appointment online or give us a call at (909) 638-6364


Nancy Ham