Self Care: 4 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself

There is A LOT going on in the world right now. Whether it’s changes in your home life (hello home-schooling), scrolling through the endless updates of breaking news stories, navigating the work from home lifestyle, etc. - it’s easy to get lost in the noise. You are NOT alone in this. 

These last few months have been hard on everyone, including ourselves! So, instead of talking skincare, we wanted to share some of the ways we like to take care of our mental health (now, and always). 

What Is Self Care?

By definition, self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health. Basically, it means doing things to take care of our mind, body, and soul by engaging in activities that promote our well-being and reduce stress. This sounds simple, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. 

SO we’re sharing some of our favorite self-care tips that ground us when we’re feeling overwhelmed: 

#1 Unplug

This is a HUGE one. Our smartphones, Apple watches, iPads, etc. are connected to us 24/7. Having information at our fingertips is both a good and bad thing. It’s good when we need to do a quick Google search or pull up directions in the car. However, it can be negative when we are constantly bombarded by information, opinions, news updates, etc. Our social media timelines act as a revolving door of information, and when we don’t allow ourselves the appropriate time needed to process everything we’re consuming, stress and anxiety can creep in. 

It’s important to take time away from the screen. Whether it’s putting your phone away a few hours before bed or taking the weekend to go completely off the grid, it can be a huge help to your mental wellbeing. Log off, give yourself time away from the craziness, and allow yourself to take a deep breath and recenter. 

#2 Create a Daily Routine

Routines are KEY to success. We can’t be the only ones who have had our day to day schedules shaken up since COVID hit. Whether you’ve gained a few hours during your day (goodbye, work commute) or you’ve lost a few hours due to taking on more responsibilities, adding more structure into your day will not only lead to more success in accomplishing your goals, but the organization will also fill you with positive thoughts. 

Need to schedule time for yourself, kids, work, and dinner? Accomplishing everything you want to get done is easier when you know how your day will run ahead of time. In turn, finishing everything on your to-do list will also cut back on the amount of stress you have. It’s a win, win!

#3 Get Outside

Okay, if you’re an AZ local, we know this one might come with some struggles during these summer months. BUT there truly is no better medicine than the great outdoors. Whether it’s getting up before the sun to go on a walk around the block, enjoying a cup of coffee on the patio, or even heading up north for the weekend - fresh air is ALWAYS a good idea. Sometimes we like to step outside of the salon for a minute or two if we’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s something about soaking up some warm sunshine that truly makes us feel better. 

#4 Spend Time With Loved Ones

Social distancing is isolating - and honestly, it can have some pretty negative side effects on the mind. Don’t forget to reach out to your friends and family members. 

We recommend putting on your favorite face mask, opening up a bottle of wine, and enjoying a night in with the gals (or guys)! 

Practicing social distancing? That’s what FaceTime is for! FaceTime your mom, your sister, or a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. When we reach out to others, we all feel a sense of community. You are NOT going through this alone (now or ever), we guarantee your friends are feeling some of your same emotions. So share your experiences and remember all of the amazing people you have in your life - a little human connection goes a long way.

We’re Here to Support You

The mental health and well-being of our clients and friends is so important. At Gameela Skin, our clients have become much more than just strangers who come in to receive a treatment. We spend time with each and every one of you, and have gotten to know who you are outside of the salon. If you’re struggling during this uncertain time (or at any point in time), our door is always open! Come in to say hi, to vent, to celebrate some big news, etc. - we’re all ears.

Nancy Ham