Why Is My Skin Breaking Out?

We all know that true beauty comes from within and we shouldn’t worry ~so much~ about what’s happening on the outside, but I also know that nothing can mess with your confidence more than a break-out.

There’s a whole slew of different reasons your skin could be breaking out, but knowing the *why* behind a blemish puts us one step closer to uncovering how we can rid the skin of these irritating breakouts. Today, I’m breaking down some of the most common causes of breakouts, and some of my favorite products to help combat acne and bring back your clear skin. 

What Causes Breakouts

Breakouts most often appear on areas of the body that contain the most oil glands, which conveniently happen to be some of the most noticeable areas: the face, the chest, the upper back, and sometimes the shoulders. 

A breakout will occur when the hair follicle, or pore, is clogged, whether this be through bacteria, excess oil, or dead skin cells. This clogged pore will become inflamed, red, and swollen, leading the contents of the pore to be pushed to the surface in the form of a blemish or breakout.

There are a lot of underlying causes that may result in these clogged pores, the most common of which are: 

#1: Stress and Lack of Sleep 

Lack of sleep and stress isn’t going to result in breakouts automatically, but studies do show that stress is linked to an increase in the frequency and severity of acne. 

Stress causes our bodies to release a hormone, CRH, which promotes the production of oils on the skin and triggers the release of inflammatory cytokines. This leads to excess oils resting on the skin, causing clogged pores and potential breakouts. 

Insufficient sleep also deprives our body of the important healing time that takes place during a good night of rest. When we sleep, our energy is restored and our cells regenerate. Our blood supply increases to the muscles, bones, and tissues, and our immune systems strengthen - all of this works in tandem to keep you healthy and provide your skin with valuable cell turnover, hydration, and blood flow. Sleep is important for all aspects of your life, *especially* keeping your skin clear and refreshed. 

#2: Using The Wrong Products

Skincare is not a one-size-fits-all treatment and not all products are created equal. It’s possible that using the wrong products, whether that be products that don’t work with your skin type or products that are not made with skin-enhancing ingredients, could be the underlying cause of your breakouts.

It’s common for oil-based makeup, silicone-based products, and certain types of liquid foundation to clog pores. Using heavy concealers and foundations, especially if you are already dealing with a breakout, could irritate the skin and clog the pores.

Overuse of certain acne treatments {ever heard the phrase, too much of a good thing 😉} could also be the culprit behind persistent breakouts. Using products too frequently could lead to irritated and overly dry skin, which may lead the skin to produce excess oils to compensate, potentially leading to more clogged pores.

#3: Diet 

Some of us may be able to consume any and all foods without seeing an effect on the skin {ugh}. Still, for others, the consumption of high-glycemic foods, which are often highly processed and quickly digested to cause a spike in blood sugar, may result in blemishes and irritated skin. 

Foods such as baked goods, white bread, sugary beverages, sugary cereals, chips, and pretzels could be the cause of some of your skin irritation. Other individuals may see breakouts resulting from greater-than-average consumption of dairy products such as milk and cheese.

If you’re suffering from a breakout, assess what your diet has consisted of lately + try the process of elimination. I recommend keeping a food journal & noting your food and drink intake throughout the day over the duration of a few weeks. This will help you pinpoint specific foods that may be consistently causing irritation.

#4: Dehydration 

Hydration, similar to diet and sleep {are you starting to see the theme?}, is another aspect of health and wellness that can make-or-break your skin. Dehydrated skin can trigger the overproduction of oils on the skin, which can lead to breakouts. Keeping the skin and body moisturized, through moisturizing lotions as well as increasing your water intake throughout the day, will help maintain your physiological balance and promote clear and healthy skin. 

For an extra boost of hydration, I always recommend Rhonda Allison’s Hydra Soothe Spritz. It’s great for your medicine cabinet or on the go!

#5: External Environment 

Sometimes a clogged pore will occur not because of an internal cause, but due to the external environment. Exposure to bacteria {IE, your phone screen or pillowcase}, can result in breakouts. It may seem obvious, but a lot of people don’t think to clean these items regularly.

Another consideration? Toxins in the air {IE, an airplane or smoke from a fire/cigarettes}. Keeping your environment as clean as possible is important to reduce irritation and breakouts. 

When it’s not possible to avoid the environment, remember to cleanse the skin regularly + to wash your hands prior to touching your face.

Best Products To Combat Acne

Best Products To Combat Acne

While there are some steps we can take in our everyday lives to reduce the possibility of breakouts - drinking more water, getting more sleep, and keeping our environment clean - there are also some products that can help solve your problems when the inevitable breakup still breaks through the surface.

Best Cleanser For Acne 

A breakout will likely make you wash your face more frequently {hello double cleanse method}. However, washing more frequently only works wonders when it is done with a product that is not abrasive and won’t break down the skin’s barriers. 

My favorite acne-fighting cleanser? Rhona Allison’s Beta Green Tea Cleanser. The soothing properties of the heart of green tea work to reduce redness, while the l.mandelic and salicylic acid ingredients reduce bacteria and cellular buildup. The perfect combo for acne-prone skin. 

Best Spot Treatment For Acne

After double cleansing with the Beta Green Tea Cleanser, I like to reach for a serum that works in tandem with my cleanser. & yes, it’s by Rhonda Allison🤪 The Rhonda Allison Blemish Serum feels light and refreshing on irritated skin, but it packs quite a punch. 

It works effectively, but also gently, to enhance the appearance of purity on the skin while working to clear blemishes. It can be used as a serum over the entire face, or just as a spot treatment to target a problem area. 

Best Face Wipes For Acne

As I mentioned, toxins in the air can contribute to breakouts but we can’t always wash our face right in the moment.

It’s in these situations, on an airplane, after the gym, {or even walking to my car in 110-degree Arizona weather} that I find myself reaching for the All Purpose Cleansing Pads, by Rhonda Allison. These pads are formulated with a blend of totarol and salicylic acid, which help to reduce excess oils and other residues that can stay on the skin. 

Plus they come in an easy, on-the-go container, making it convenient to store in your purse or backpack. They are the perfect pad to grab when you’re in a pinch!

Nancy Ham